Enabling our employees to deliver to their highest potential.
NIS Sponsor the BECBC Awards 2022
We are delighted to once again be sponsoring the Inspiring People Award at the BECBC Awards 2022.
NIS Apprentice Runner-Up at National Awards
NIS is thrilled to announce that Leah Green has been awarded National Runner Up Business Apprentice: Final Year at this years Make UK dinner held on Thursday 27th January in...
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from NIS!
We would like to thank all our staff, clients and supply chain partners for your continued support, we wish you all a very happy and healthy Christmas and a prosperous 2022. Once...
NIS Appoints New Managing Director
Despite the obvious challenges COVID 19 presented, the last 12-18 months have proved to be hugely exciting for NIS as we start to see the culmination of many years of hard work...
NIS wins multi-million-pound contract on PPPs SPRS Retreatment Plant (SRP) project
NIS is delighted to announce that they have won two of the five glovebox manufacturing packages on the Sellafield SRP project being delivered as part of the sites Programme and...
NIS Apprentice wins MAKE UK Award
NIS is delighted to announce that Leah Green has won Business Apprentice: Final Year at this year’s Make UK Northwest dinner held on Thursday 4th November 2021 at the Marriot...
NIS is a winner in the RoSPA Awards 2021
NIS is celebrating after landing an internationally-recognised award for demonstrating high health and safety standards. We have been awarded an Order of Distinction (15...
Good news keeps on coming
The good news keeps on coming as we are delighted to announce that we have been awarded a contract with the National Nuclear Laboratory (NNL) for the modification and...
NIS growth drives Leadership team expansion
As we start a new and incredibly exciting financial year, we are pleased to share a number of key changes that have been introduced to the NIS Team structure. The changes are...