
NIS wins multi-million-pound contract on PPPs SPRS Retreatment Plant (SRP) project

NIS is delighted to announce that they have won two of the five glovebox manufacturing packages on the Sellafield SRP project being delivered as part of the sites Programme and Project Partners (PPP) model.

The SRP is a new facility that will receive special nuclear material from existing stores and process into a form suitable for safe and secure storage until 2120.

On the back of the ongoing SRP Vortex Amplifier (VXA) Glovebox contract, NIS is playing an important role on the SRP project delivering the fabrication of the main system 400 containments prior to assembly and Integrated works test of the full line, along with two standalone gloveboxes.

This multi-million-pound contract brings together NIS core competences of glovebox manufacture, leak testing, assembly and integrated works testing within our purpose-built facilities.

Gill Marsden said “This opportunity has been a key strategic target for NIS for almost 5 years and I really couldn’t be any prouder of the whole team who have worked so hard to turn it into a reality. This contract asserts our position as a UK Centre of Excellence for complex containments and will bring sustainable benefit to our people, our communities, our partners and supply chain”.

Steve Rothwell added “The award of this contract provides NIS the exciting opportunity of continuing on our SRP journey with PPP and Sellafield. Our long-standing relationships with Sellafield are important to us as a business, this new platform with PPP provides the opportunity for our business to support their goal of transforming project delivery safely, quickly and cost effectively through structured ongoing collaborative working”.

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